REALITY?: Overboard Again

Gone off the deep end again with the damn reading writing learning trying new things out. Just about drowning in ideas and things to do and see and study.

Unfortunately life gets in the way and in my non-usual manner that I’m nurturing into self-satisfaction I am putting these routine life things off until they go away.

Really wish there was a way to make some little bit of money off this to make it worth more than just deep satisfaction and fun to do since in our lives these days this just ain’t gonna be enough. Wish I could justify closing the shop down and establish maybe copywriting, copyediting if never published writer to my mental tombstone.

But then, doesn’t everyone want this in some way or another? The American dream?

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4 Responses to REALITY?: Overboard Again

  1. Creechman says:

    Hang in there girl. You are awesomely productive. Keep investigating outlets. Then when you become famous, bring me on board for comedic value.

  2. susan says:

    Thanks and yeahbut, who will ever care when I’m long gone? Hardly likely to be famous if I’m unpublished.

  3. Josh says:

    And then there is self-publishing… 🙂 It’s one of those semi-worn paths that some take for the scenery, and others take only to find another path leading somewhere completely unexpected.

    I’d be happy to help make selections for such an anthology. And you don’t need to sink thousands into an iUniverse-type publisher either. There are plenty of legit small presses that one can use. One of our friends just self-published through (I think that’s what it’s called) and she’s quite happy with the results.

  4. susan says:

    Thank you, Josh, but I still don’t think I’m quite ready for self publishing–although I feel that’s what I’ve done with the magazines I’ve created. It’d just mean more to be recognized by someone else as being worthy of being published. Frankly, the more rejections the more I’m willing to accept that I’m nowhere near as good as I might have thought–which again negates the self-publishing path as an embarrassment to me.

    Knowing your work is good is one thing; the confidence is necessary and the realization of market state is then a problem to overcome, i.e., by self publishing.

    Not having that confidence, and not getting support from others, well that’s when SP begins to look like just an ego trip.

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