Toasters/Pamela Painter: Yet another view of marital relationships, this one is unique in that it shows a set of characters watching another set of characters who we never see except through the eyes of the others. There is action and tension in the fight going on (regularly) at the neighbor’s house; the watchers, one a mother who understands the fighting and envies the honesty of it; the other, her young son who delights in watching the items flying out of the neighbor’s, yet has no clue that the same tension is going on between his mother and father only it is silent. One of my favorites.
Diagnostic Drift/Michael Martone: Another example of incidents separated by numbered paragraphs but here too, it tells a story and the numbering system is a style that eliminates the unnecessary to focus on events separated by time that are directly related to each other. Nicely done, and very dramatic in its topic and impact.
You Don’t Know Anything/Kathleen Wheaton: Nice story, a statement on people dealing with others who they consider not their own kind. More of a moral message statement but nicely put.
Traveling Alone/Rob Carney: A soliloquy on lightning.If he wanted to write such heavy metaphor he should’ve written a poem.
The Death of The Short Story/J. David Stevens: Literary forms personified to mourn the passing of the short story. Clever.