REALITY?: Garden Update

Bummer. The first year I’ve got tomatoes–the big ones–early, the plants have contracted fusarium wilt from the soil.  The yellow squash are getting eaten off at the bud now that the plants have finally grown, and some of the cucumber and butternut squash are dying off as well.  All this, in a practically weed-free, weekly fed environment.  I think the garden soil is tired after eighteen years and this autumn is the time to move it elsewhere.

On the good side, the dill is full and feathery and ready to be pulled and dried.  The pepper plants have caught up to the peppers and we’ve got bell, thai, jalapenos and habaneros almost ready (forgive the lack of the tilde or whatever it is I need).  The flowers are doing okay, and soon I should be able to pick some bouquets to cheer me up.

On the super duper good side, the grapes are so heavy for harvest that I could open up a winery this year.  No peaches 🙁 but the crabapples, between our tree and Gus’, should produce at least 10 gallons of wine if I don’t make jelly or crabapple sauce. 

And, there’re loads of pears.

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Garden Update

  1. Cindy says:

    Sorry about your soil 🙁 Perhaps you’re correct and it’s time to move the garden elsewhere.

    And yes, open up that winery! 🙂
    Wait a sec. What’s that about jelly?

  2. susan says:

    I make scads of jelly and likely eat only one jar a year, so the wine is more likely this year’s product.

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