I’m watching So You Think You Can Dance and naturally, crying.  Josh is crying and I cry for him.  What is getting to me from this show to insure my weekly cleansing of emotion is the beauty of the passion I see here.

Somewhere in my freshman high school year I came across Stoicism and took it to my heart and lived with it for most of my adult life.  Then along came menopause and bifocals and passion.  When I watch these young people putting their heart and souls into their learning and furthering of their art, it reaches something deep inside me that responds in kind.  I feel for them, I share their love of performance and expression. I envy them their faith and their power.

I don’t really see this passion in writers, but then I haven’t really been exposed to any who have devoted their efforts and lives to fulfill a dream–no, not a dream, a need–to write.  I am uplifted by what I see in these young dancers and am exhilarated by their devotion and emotion.  I sincerely hope they get to dance their long lives through.

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