Back in spring, in a course in Creative Writing, I did some brief reviews on all the stories in Flash Fiction Forward, one of the anthologies of short-shorts and The Handbag by Michael Augustin was one of my favorites.
In a very simple tale of purse-snatching, Augustin carries the struggle between robber and victim to an extreme that is completely delightful and my only complaint was that I would’ve liked the story to be less of a short-short and maybe a bit longer.
Well, just got a comment (check link above to my posting) from Mr. Augustin and he kindly let me know that there is a book available of his work called Mickle Makes Muckle that I’ve already added to my wish list at Amazon. These short story anthologies are one of the best ways to "try" authors, and it is the way I’e discovered William Gay whose novels I’ve already been into and loved.
I’m really excited about the book and will likely include it in my next order.