POETRY: Concepts – Trying to absorb Neruda’s influence

To conceptualize
the wheel,
not knowing that
it will take a man
to China.

with ease of
speckled rocks

that go beyond
their maker
a glistening
spider web

A homely stalk
that stretches
into a cloud
of fragrant

are best.

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5 Responses to POETRY: Concepts – Trying to absorb Neruda’s influence

  1. Anne says:

    He’s my favorite, you know.

    “Dreams that go beyond their maker”. It’s what i live for.

  2. susan says:

    Actually I wrote this one after reading some of his odes. I love his turning simple things into magic, the concise statements, sharp images, and the fact that all of us can relate to his stories.

  3. Roberta says:

    Susan, I haven’t read any of Neruda’s work, but I certainly find a wondrous appeal in what you’ve written here about creativity. Especially ‘the wheel going to china’ and the ‘homely stalk that explodes’.

  4. Susan Gibb says:

    Roberta I think you’d like Neruda a lot–your own words are geared towards that simple imagery. I have “Selected Odes of Pablo Neruda” but I did present one of his pieces in its entirety on this post here.

    You can read it (ignore my interjected commentary) and see if it’s something you’d enjoy. My attempts to draw on his style, you’ll see, are woefully lacking in skill.

  5. Anne says:

    Came back to read it again. Really quite wonderful. And here then, i find two of my favorite people sharing wisps of wonder. Small world indeed.

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