So I have a dozen stories started and sitting on my desktop unfinished now for over a month, maybe more. But give me a deadline (and an inspirational prompt) and so far, I’ve kept up with the 100 Day Project with nary a pause. True, some of the stories come slower than others, but in my usual way, if I find that opening line, I run with it. Or more the case, it runs away by itself.
One of the things I don’t like about such tight deadlines (a story a day for 100 days) is that if it comes easily, that may be good or it may be telling of necessary editing. On the other hand, if it’s painfully pulled like brain taffy, then I wonder if it’s not human nature to just post it anyway and be done with it. This is not normally a habit of mine and not one I want to pick up. So far, #5 is still my favorite as far as story, subtlety, and humor within a short fiction. I hope that more of them will strike and stay with me that way.
So here they are at the 10-day mark, and there have been some wonderful pieces of art, stories, poems, videos, photographs, meals, flash, and other work that were if not for the commitment to this project, might not have been done. I’m sure they each have their favorite pieces and each piece was likely produced in a way not quite the same as the others. This is what’s good about participating in an effort that can only help one grow as an artist. Check them out here.