Nothing’s black or white, cast in stone; everything has as many meanings as there are readers and viewers. This I believe more firmly with each day of my life.
You all may have seen this ad on TV for the Clever Clasp magnetic jewelry addition to make it easier to connect a necklace around your own neck. Sure you have; it’s one of those "wait, order now and we’ll send you absolutely free…" annoying ads, usually for some hokey stuff you don’t really need. But then again, perception often changes what we see.
I watched this ad a couple times, half-hearing it as I did other things on the laptop. Then it hit me: with the magnetic connection and links, this was the perfect answer to hold a door shut on a double-framed piece that needed the glass door to be open upon occasion for accessibility. I’ve been racking my brain on this, even looking at cabinet magnets, all kinds of locks and handles, etc., but the problem was the small face surface of the frame and the need for aesthetics on the piece.
I ordered; it works.