Nothing like the out-of-season autumn coolness and the sound of rustling leaves to get one thinking back to texts and classrooms.
Swore off this as an end to a diploma, but always kept it open as an opportunity to grow and answer needs to a hungry mind or fumbling fingers, as in learning graphics software by oneself alone. But there are tempting things about: Creative Writing and Lit at UConn; Graphics at either Uconn or Tunxis; Philosophy at UConn; and there’s a CW course at Tunxis which I’ve taken but it is being offered with a different instructor so that (and price) would be a consideration.
Decisions, decisions: where to go–if I should go at all. There comes a time when you face yourself and say, What I write is good, but not great. It maybe never will be. How much more time, money, and heart–above all, heart–am I willing to put into this?
So maybe the summer or the fall semester will see me in a student desk somewhere. Or maybe when the wind dies down, so too shall I.