This is good.  I’m up at four a.m., but did catch a few hours’ sleep and am in a writing mood.  This afternoon I’d written some more on Big Tim Dawson (which I’ll post in a second) but more importantly, I just got one of those dark garage moments of answering the story line question, and just typed in the plot structure (narrative structure will not be strictly linear, but sprinkled with backstory more to give character information and needed info to get to the present and ending scene) so I have some idea of where the story is going and how best to set it out.

I’ve also submitted the unfinished story to the writers group for workshopping at its next meeting, which is a real no-no (unless of course a writer is stuck, in which case I could submit a dozen opening paragraphs of story at each meeting but will spare those good people the agony) but in this case, have warned them that it will be finished before the meeting date and has been posted just to impose a necessary deadline upon myself.  This works well for people of a procrastinating nature such as I possess, and why my academic studies never suffered except through some late night crash-writing and a pot of coffee. 

Also resurrected Where’s Alice? and The Player which I’d started here last month.  The writing style of these three recent pieces is different, and hopefully better skilled than anything I’ve done before. 

So then, shall I keep writing or make a couple of chocolate zucchini loaves and some cream filled chocolate cupcakes?  Every good writer needs sugar, you know.

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