REALITY?: The Time Between Seasons

082808rYes, when we bought this house 18 years ago I realized that this space under the counter was for a dishwasher, but the portables are more trouble than they’re worth and besides, it’s across the room from the sink so it doesn’t make much sense.

So it’s become the “winery” and it’s where the fermenting buckets, then the carboys filled with wine and left to settle before bottling are kept.

There’s usually wine in some form sitting there but for a day or two between last year’s harvest and this, it’s empty.


The crabapples are picked and will be pickled and the grapes will be ready to pick in a week or so. Purple and crimson taken from the background of green.

And so the seasons go, from blossom to fruit to picking to squishing to bubbling to bottling the wine.

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