Well the morning went like this: I lay on my stomach underneath trees such as a quince bush and the filbert (walking stick) and noticed things getting sticky–with blood. Sawed into my finger without realizing it. No big deal, kept wiping the blood away but it looked a lot worse than the cuts. Then I went around the house on hands and knees trimming around the borders, and got stung twice by those little hornets or whatever they are. The worst part is trying to get away from them once they zero in on you. Escaped into the house and put deodorant on the stinging sites on my arms. One little bugger drilled directly into the large vein on my forearm just above my wrist.
Went back out, but had to get ready to go over to my big sister’s for a get-together. All her kids flew in or drove in from Spain, D.C., Seattle and Philly so we get to see the whole crew. Should be fun–if I don’t hurt myself.