WRITING: Self Publishing

David St. Lawrence of Ripples has kindly left an informative and encouraging comment on my post below, and until my history paper’s done, I’ll be unable to respond adequately or even begin to read his series on self-publishing that I’ve been waiting to get to all semester. 

But I aim to wrap this essay up tonight and head over tomorrow to give it at least a sneak peek before I can digest it more thoroughly. 

And I couldn’t let it get any later before I thanked him for his suportive words.  It has always amazed me how weblogging buddies, strangers really, have turned out to be the ones who will take that extra minute of their time to read, understand, empathize and encourage.  We’re not always needy of praise in lack of critique, but sometimes all it takes is an encouraging word to make the difference between a would-have and a success story.  Thanks, David, and the rest of you all.  It’s much appreciated.

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One Response to WRITING: Self Publishing

  1. Loretta says:

    This is a wonderful thread and I have so many questions to ask. I need to sit down and think about this all. Thanks for these posts and commments.

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