The two texts used in my Creative Writing: Fiction class this semester were Flash Fiction and Sudden Fiction, mainly because the brevity of the stories allowed more to be discussed along with student writing in a workshop atmosphere.
For one thing, I have become intrigued enough to read every story in both books (as well as recognizing the fact that if I don’t read them now, they will be added to my pile of fifty books waiting in a neat line in my living room to be read). And, while completing proper analytical essays for class on three of them, I had written brief informal posts on Learning to Spin, my class online journal, on many more. I’m thinking now that since Spinning was started a year and a half ago with such postings, and since LTS will be dissolved after semester’s end, I may transfer some of the entries here, or at least establish some kind of link to them.
Why? I don’t know. Maybe because Spinning was originally meant to be a literary journal and it has become instead a portal to many paths–at least if you see it as a starting point to hyperlink from the main page directly to a category. That’s what makes weblogs an exercise in new media, the manner in which the producer offers the user a choice of trails–a "garden of forking paths."