Aha, that’s what I was missing in my life; hip grinding, doing the bump with the stool, crashing into your world music.

Just blared the stereo up in the shop and danced.  Felt good.  Thought back to my wedding day and letting loose.  Shocked and delighted my family who had never seen me through the high school gym dance years up through the end of my twenties.  Vows and christian piety were ceremonies past, the prime rib left to bone, the cake divied up, and the band played on.  Taught my twelve-year-old nephew how to dirty dance.  Bit my lower lip in Derby cool and swirled across the floor like a white tornado.  Polkas with one brother-in-law, down and dirty with the other.  Mom was amazed at the swing of my bustle.  My dad just grinned.  My groom had only one dance with me, a slow one, before he was raced to the dentist and his bride unblushed. 

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