REALITY: Breaking Rules

Sometimes it’s just worth it.  $10 is worth the avoidance of a long walk back and forth to your car in cold weather when you’re tired and high on good talk and food.

Me and my parking ticket made it all the way home last night from the meeting before we met face to face.  I mean, I did notice as I was driving that there was a small rectangle clinging to my windshield, one foot daintily toed under the wiper, but I must admit, it gave me no small amount of pleasure in knowing that it, not me, faced the freezing night air.

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4 Responses to REALITY: Breaking Rules

  1. Chris says:

    Don’t pay it….I’ve torn mine up for 3 years now with no repercussions.
    When they provide better, safer parking…I won’t park in the “teacher’s lot”.

  2. susan says:

    Awww…I don’t know. It’s only ten bucks, and I knew I was breaking the rules. There was parking space available, I’m sure, at the far (very far) end of the lot.

  3. ntexas99 says:

    it almost allows a satisfied murmur of appreciation, regardless of the penalty

    loved the “but I must admit, it gave me no small amount of pleasure in knowing that it, not me, faced the freezing night air”

    sweet satisfaction

  4. MG says:

    Only $10? Sounds worth it to me. They’re $25 here, if it makes you feel any better.

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