Oh joy of joy! Oh lamb of great god Tunxis!
There will be an opportunity to redeem my withering soul in Statistics via an extra credit project! It’s an educational form of Catholic penance, I would say; the extra rosary beads we mumble over when we come from the confessional to walk out the arched doors fully cleansed and glowing white once more.
Did that a lot as a kid, and particularly so as a curious teenager. (The confessional and resultant rosary thing–not the extra credit tests.)
You know… i really wish you had a “see-spot-run” version of this blog for the intellectually impaired. But since you don’t, i think i’ll start commenting more often and worrying about my public image less. 😉 Have a most excellent week!
Oh Anne, you know you just love it when I talk crazy!
Actually, I think my style of writing has regressed more than developed, and is in truth very close to the “see spot run” without the unneeded pronouns, excess verbiage, and the vision of a child. In other words, you won’t find any intellectualism here at Spinning, but damned if it don’t make me happy to think I fooled someone!