Really, really feel ashamed of myself. Gave up and walked out on a stats exam because I totally blanked out. Stress rising brought me up out of my seat, out the door. Head hung. Never been a quitter–age somehow has revealed to me a path I’d never noticed was there all along, I suppose. Priorities set stages. Foolishness or pride can bring down the curtains.
Learning is a learning experience.
Don’t we all have those times in life when we simply must walk away? It doesn’t have to be something we admire or embrace, but apparently we can neither ignore the need. The quitting happens whether we acknowledge it or not.
At least you are brave enough to point to it and call it by name. Try not to be so hard on yourself. We’re all allowed to stumble now and then. That’s what bandaids are for, don’t you know? Try the Scooby-Do or Winnie-The-Pooh ones … they seem to work best on fresh scrapes and bruises.
Apply a smile where the pain once existed, and you’ll be back to your old self in no time.
(even I gagged as I read that last line, and I wrote the damn thing – but you get the gist of it – stumbling is temporary – learning is permanent)
I remember that feeling during an exam in the first year o flaw school. There was a certain class that just didn’t “click” for me. It took a long time before I could let go of it, accept my “D” and move on.
You are greater than this moment.
Tough thing to do, although in some ways ages allows us grace I think. I ended up with a 51%–the lowest score I’ve ever gotten in my life, I believe. But it was indeed my own fault, and after this, I know that sometimes priorities must be set according to completing a task, rather than doing what we like instead. No, this won’t destroy me, and as you say, Loretta, it will pale in time and comparison.
Thanks, ladies; I needed some emotional support in this one!
why is that we push ourselves so hard? You don’t truly give a hoot about statistics, but what you DO care about is achieving an expected result. You want to receive a grade that is in line with your expectations of yourself. In other words, anything less than your version of acceptable will always be, well, unacceptable.
why are we so hard on ourselves, anyway?