We, and then of course, I, have often discussed narrative structure and paths in the past few years, having been forced to acknowledge them by literature and writing classes. We all know they exist, we all try to ignore them. Hence, decisions–the paths life takes–are usually avoided, put off, or met with anxiety and trepidation. (NOTE: There are some people who love facing up to all kinds of decisions, big and small. They can be considered power-hungry or oblivious of the grand scheme of things, if you happen to not be one of them but are surrounded by them daily. Otherwise, they’re normally good folks.)
But when the paths are crossroads, not two directional forks, but major intersection, double lanes in all directions types, it is not the gentle fantasy of imagination, but the blaring horns of oncoming traffic that is the setting or the environment. Yesterday was such a day, and once again, the upgrading of three computers, four software programs, and two operating systems were all to be juggled while crossing the street.
If I upgrade to Windows XP from Windows 98 (which I love, but will have to step up from shortly) and the New Office XP or 2003, and Microsoft’s insistence that I purchase separate programs for each computer (although I would call and try to reason with them on this), would it not be cheaper to merely buy at least one new computer system or two with the latest software installed and finagle the other(s) with the memory and hard drives, etc. currently inside? I need better sound cards, video cards, CPU and whatelse on at least one computer. But then again, the purpose of my shop computer is to be able to work on things on company time (don’t frown–the company’s mine), and certain things need to be compatible.
So yesterday and today still, the cars are racing through from all directions, and they’re labeled with computer peripherals and software programs. Shall I stop and look both ways, or shall I close my eyes and run across the highway?
If you get hit by a Dell, you probably get free upgrades anyway. I say go for it.
Yeah, I think at some point the fixes and upgrades cost more than a new system. I’m probably going to consider what I need to do what (i.e., sound, video card, speed, etc.) and do some shopping around the end of the year. I’ve built all three computers here, but I think I might just go for a system purchase.