Only this, my friend’s cancer is terminal and time is limited. At this point, it’s become too personal to write about here, but becomes a side of my life that I can’t share with you. You’ll get my better, brighter moments, and I’ll post just as regularly, but I’ve just split in half.

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4 Responses to REALITY?:

  1. D says:

    keeping you and your friend in my thoughts.

    may strength and courage be by your side.

  2. ellie says:

    I hope you continue to write through this even if you don’t share it. You can’t heal her, but the writing may be the vessel that holds you through this difficult time. Sending you compassion, strength, and warmth from afar.

  3. susan says:

    Words received have helped me through this, and words written will as well. They are portable, constantly at hand, and last longer than life itself. Thank you.

  4. Lauren says:

    I’m sorry for her troubles and that you will be losing a friend. Although I’m sorry for your having to go through it, I’m glad for her that she has someone like you and will be surrounded by love and care in her moment of need.

    I’ll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers


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