As I mentioned once before, if you go by the Category Title of each entry you can maneuver around my saggy diaper days. Of course, I have also contradicted myself by posting just a few entries down as well as previously about ways of keeping these from you. Oh, well.

Not in-depth, just random phrases:

“Seems to me we’ve lived our lives, charging up the wrong side of the hill…” I’m with Willie & Waylon on this one; probably right behind them.

I’m about to apply haircoloring without following directions. Typical. Fresh pineapple will inhibit jello from setting and leftover mixtures of haircolor will explode all over the room; you don’t have to take their word for it–I didn’t.

My strong belief in reincarnation stems merely from giving up on this round and swearing to be smarter next time.

Procrastination serves well to move you along further in life.

Can’t see the forest for the trees. Can’t see the forest for the trees. Can’t see the forest for the trees.

Breaking up is not that hard to do.

“You’re still gonna, still gonna, still gonna die…” Waylon, Mel, Jerry & Bo on “Old Dogs” CD.

“Still is still movin’ to me…” another Willie Wisdom.

“Beam me up, Scottie…” from Star Trek, of course, and I wish I could believe it.

In the grand scheme of things, does which chair is where really matter? And, do they have to be switched NOW?

Why am I putting so much effort into one dumb story when people are dying, hungry, alone?

But the real question for the moment: Can I exist only on my hard drive? Is that my real place and space?

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One Response to SELF ANALYSIS: Keep Out!

  1. Joel says:

    You do live. Writing is “second tasting” of life. (Anais Nin)

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