Well obviously I am in a creative mood, and so for as long as it lasts, I suppose my posts will retain that literary flavor. Imagery abounds, incomplete sentences, feelings, approaching your senses with tastes, and smells and making you reread if it holds your interest at all. Don’t blame me; I must live up to expectations now.
Honestly, many other weblog writers seem to be following the same course. While we walk the same ground as mortals most days, upon occasion our minds are skimming the facts and embellishing, enhancing, creating new worlds. I see such progress, such growth in those I have been following, even in just these few months. There is such talent there, and though I can only say it as a gut feeling, it seems as though we are improving, finding new ways of talking about the mundane, seeing our ghosts and grabbing them to flail them wildly in front of our readers to see for themselves.
So if you are not into this, read just the first few lines and move along; come back another time. From day to day I must upon necessity return to earth, but man, it’s great to fly!
With writing in mind you may enjoy Onionboy’s very own, fresh peeled writing prompts.