BLOGGING: By the New York Area Ladies

Got this link from, who was one of the women interviewed by the New York Daily News for a piece on blogging. Really interesting women, really interesting brief histories of their careers in blogging, and really interesting facts about where it led them in their careers. Inspiring, too.

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4 Responses to BLOGGING: By the New York Area Ladies

  1. Amy says:

    Cool and inspiring story link!

  2. Cindy says:

    I am compelled to mention that women have been writing on the Web (prior to ‘weblogs’ they were called ‘personal web sites’) for many, many years. I know. I’m one of them. I’m still here. (and I live in NYC.)

  3. susan says:

    Not only that Cindy, but you’re linked on my weblog, and most of them aren’t!

    But as Amy says, it is nice to know that there’s even the bonus of job possibilities from this, although I think almost all of us don’t do it for that reason.

  4. Cindy says:

    Susan, and you are linked on my weblog 🙂

    I’ve read some discussions about the possibility of jobs via blogs, but I think that those highlighted in the article are unique cases. Blogging is still fairly new for a number of folks, and if it’s going to generate jobs for people, I think that’s terrific. But I wouldn’t put my money on it that it will become the norm… but hey, it’s like the lottery… you never know! 😎

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