WRITING: Editing & Revising

I’ve started the task that I’ve put off so long, that of further editing and full revision of “A Seasonal Life.” In truth, I’m enjoying it.

Why do we tend to hide from this necessary part of the process? Why do we need to cling to our words as if they were cast in the stone of cave walls, near impossible to correct and improve? Oh yes, I remember now; the flow of words is the easy part–the creative high.

While we don’t like thinking our “baby” has flaws, don’t we spend our lifetime wiping a little dirty face with spit on a hanky? Take quick swipes with our fingers to calm and comb unruly pillow-tangled hair on 3-year old heads? Don’t we fill our children with milk, cheese and vitamins to make them healthy, and when they cough or sneeze, swath them in flannel imbued with Vick’s Vaporub?

These are the little loving things we do as creators. As creators of words, we will learn to respond with the same loving care and pride and needn’t hesitate to rush to fix things that will make everything all better for our babies.

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