Well. That felt good to get the post below out. Virtual venting? But here in Realityland I’ve already moved forward several steps–just figured out how to size and embed images in the sidebars (see ole Willie again to your right. He was in danger of falling off the page in a couple days, and I need his smilin’ face as inspiration when I write).

I can also go select a different image for the author’s photo spot, and fiddle with the About Me page as well. I found photos of what I’ll call and present as the White Stages of My Life, and I found some of my own drawings that I might put up now and then. Amazing though, most were done between the time I was nine and sixteen, and though they’re pretty good for that age range, it’s tempting me to pick up a pencil again. This will be fun. I think. But now the pressure’s on…

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