Saw The Terminator for the first time on TV last night. Boy, Arnold looked silly. Lotsa silly things in the movie actually, and at the famous phrase, “A’ll be back” I turned to my husband and said, “That’s it?” Of course seconds later the Terminator comes driving through the police station up to the front desk. Wasn’t impressed because as with The Kiss of the Vampire, I’m getting too bogged down by flaws in detail that mar the enjoyment. I’ll stick to books, which seem to have a better editing process.

Didascalicon: wow. Just a quiet, serene, “wow.” The preface alone has me thinking deep thoughts about humanity and motives and drives; and then to process the information and apply it to oneself—to face up to and decide where in Hugh’s estimation one falls as far as intellect and its utilization.

Introspection doesn’t seem to be much fun lately.

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2 Responses to LITERATURE: Mixed Media

  1. ersinghaus says:

    Excellent, excellent that you’ve got to Hugh. I’d really enjoy more of your thoughts on his writing.

  2. susan says:

    I’ll keep posting on my journey. May even set up a new category for books and subjects such as this.

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