REALITY?: Liberal, Conservative or Somewhere in Between

Well I’ll be damned.

One thing I really try to avoid on this site (and in my life as well) is politics, but I found a link to this quiz on Snowball in Hell which is mighty fine reading in itself, but I’m kind of in shock right now from the test results. Try it, let me know what you think of it’s accuracy, although it’s obviously geared one way and you certainly can cheat a bit because you don’t want to look like a bad person. But I was honest, and able to find an answer that was pretty close to my beliefs on all the questions.
Where do you fall on the liberal – conservative political spectrum?

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4 Responses to REALITY?: Liberal, Conservative or Somewhere in Between

  1. wendy says:

    I’m a couple of clicks left of centre – which is pretty well where I would have placed myself. I’ve done a couple of these quizes lately – on social values etc – they are interesting.
    Happy New Year Susan … hope you accomplish all your goals 9and have fun too)

  2. susan says:

    I’m at the same spot on the scale–a couple clicks left of moderate. Always considered myself a conservative with liberal leanings, so this was a bit of a surprise but then, I’m also an “independent” when looking at labels, especially from some of these “tests”. They are interesting, though, and thanks for sharing your reading.

  3. Scott says:

    Oh dear – I would have expected to place myself left of center, but I am exactly two clicks to the right – on the “Conservative” tick mark!

    I, too, found an answer I agreed with for each question. I guess I have always fancied myself as the opposite of Susan: A liberal with some conservative leanings.

    Hmmm – maybe the test is backwards since we both scored exactly the opposite of what we thought we were…


    Happy New Year, BTW!

  4. Neha says:

    As far left as you could go. No question about it — or that’s what they say anyway. Not misplaced by a single click. Im out there, sitting with the radical-est of the radicals..apparently. Should I be surprised?

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