WRITING: Stage II – Confirmation

Of all days to wander onto Pedablogue and find Professor Arnzen’s post on blogging, it had to be today. Although I cannot blame him for my current crisis, as an English professor and horror fiction writer he may have created some monsters such as myself of his own. Is there a responsibility teachers must consider towards their more obsessive students? I don’t think so—as in everything else, I feel an individual’s responsibility is the sole eternal light behind obsessions, and others only light the passion.

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2 Responses to WRITING: Stage II – Confirmation

  1. Mike Arnzen says:

    If I didn’t say so already: GOOD BLOG. On behalf of teachers and freaky writers everywhere, I hereby apologize for your obsession with the written word. Now keep it up! Write, write, write! Persistence pays in this racket; and it is the only way to improve, as well. So keep it up.

  2. susan says:

    Thank you, Professor Arnzen for the pat on the head that might just keep me dancing.

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