TECHNOLOGY: Not for the Squeamish

First go here, check out “ONLINE GIZMO OF THE MONTH Eye Prodding”, then go here.

Just do as I say.

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4 Responses to TECHNOLOGY: Not for the Squeamish

  1. Scott says:

    Ewwwww… Creepy…

    Gotta find that tutorial!

  2. susan says:

    Ain’t is just the neatest?!

  3. Mike Arnzen says:

    Thanks for spreading the word, Susan. Messing with those eyes feels kind of like tapping a dead bird carcass on the ground with stick or something… it’s creepy!

  4. susan says:

    As “horror-stricken” a person as I am, dead things like birds and mice come under the “boy-job” category as far as clean-up (or poking with a stick, if that’s your pleasure). In my barn/frameshop, I currently have a vole that was caught in a mouse trap about a month ago and keep forgetting to ask my husband to remove it. Interesting process, decomposition…

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