LITERATURE: On the Internet

I do believe I could spend all my waking hours sitting at this computer, for I have just located a website page Short Story Classics that contains so many more tales to read, and draws me away from the natural depressions in the couch where I seem to fit so well when the pillows are arranged just right and the lamp illuminates the pages of literary delight and pondering.

But by nightfall my back is sore from standing in the shop all day or at the kitchen sink, despite my stork-like posture to relieve the pressure on a spine born swaybacked.

I really, really need a laptop.

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2 Responses to LITERATURE: On the Internet

  1. Scott says:

    You don’t know how badly you need a laptop until you have one… Then you wonder how you ever wrote without one!

    As you allude to in a subsequent post, inspiration rarely strikes you in the “computer room.” For a very modest investment, you could have an Apple iBook and a small wireless network that would allow you to work from virtually any room in the house. It is much easier than it sounds to make this a reality.

    I do my work sitting in bed, sitting on the couch, sitting in my “Florida” room, and (rarely) seated at my desk in my home “office.”

  2. susan says:

    This is another good thing about blogs. It’s now in writing that you say it’s fairly easy to set up a wireless network, and so come the winter break and just after the Christmas holidays, guess who’s going to be bugging you for guidance?

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