TECHNOLOGY: Blogging and Trackback

I spent quite a bit of this morning’s greyness with the shades drawn and hopping back between computer stations and the various peripherals following wires, fixing, screwing up, and trying to get everything back in order. One look behind the two desks gives me the shivers. Honest, I DO dust behind there, but the delicacy required to not suck up into the vacuum a thin lifeline such as the phone or mouse wires does allow a coating eventually to build up. I think what I’m going to do to strike it rich is design a cover–not just wire wrappers–for the backs of computer desks to not only eliminate dust buildup, but hide the whole tangled mess from even the nosiest of guests.

Anyway, this allowed for an unexpected bonus of bits of “downtime” forced by frustration and the need to stop and clear my head. I used it well; taking the time to reorganize the links to the right into some semblance of order. Please let me know if any do not work.

Another thing I’m going to try now is trackback pinging, so whoever gets this, please let me know if it worked, and I’m sorry to have made you a testpad for typepad! Thanks!

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3 Responses to TECHNOLOGY: Blogging and Trackback

  1. Scott says:

    I was working on learning about TrackBacks today, too, and happened upon your site in the “Recently Updated” section. I am going to TrackBack to your TrackBack post later today and see if I can figure this thing out…

  2. Learning to “TrackBack”

    One of the most intriguing feature of the Weblog is the ability to TrackBack to a post by another blogger. I was working on figuring this out when I came upon this post by a fellow TypePad user. This poster

  3. Scott says:

    I tracked back and it worked! Nice blog! I’m new to blogging and your site is great inspiration!

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