Time to admit it’s going to be a mind-expanding weekend. Creativity builds wonder and doubt and insight and passion. Unfortunately, it also means that trimming the bushes is gonna hafta wait.
This, from Watchmen, Chapter IX, p. 6: Dr. Manhattan: “Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.”
To this: Life is a devil child’s set of building blocks. Perception is the key. Seen from any of many angles, it is different. Each block is dependent upon a whim of turn. Each placement of each side of every block makes up a pattern of an arrangement that is unique. Yet even that overall pattern can be rearranged to change all views and thus, perception. Flip one block by one angle and is the pattern same except for this one change or does it become a totally different piece? Again, perception. The only abiding rule applicable is to the base upon which all other blocks must rest. A lifetime stands, or trembles and crashes down if one strategic base block is pulled away. Dependency, one block upon another, we build our lives, form and change our views.
And a thought to complicate matters even more–if I consider Dr. Manhattan’s crystal clarity, the picture changes through the layers and levels to offer infinite possibilities.