How ironic. The moment I decide that I have been too selfish with my time and give it back to the people and things I have neglected, it is taken from me with a vengeance. Control has been ripped from my mind and my entire weekend—my birthday weekend at that—is to be spent racing from pleasing one person to another, as they try to please me. If I can cross “sleep” off my to-do list, I may be able to do it all. Dinner, brunch, evening, dinner again—all requiring a “yes, I’d love to” or I jeopardize love and friendship and family. Framing, classwork—all requiring my acquiescence or risking business and education. I hope none catch me at taking this ten minutes to blow off steam.

Odd, that this should come about when I am determined to shed my selfish habits, but when others are making gestures of caring. Had anyone asked what I wanted for myself this weekend I would have answered, “Time.”

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2 Responses to REALITY?: Time

  1. neha says:

    Murphy lives. Meanwhile, I think little slots of time must be carved out for it to eventually amass into a greater whole. That is, time must be taken out to have time.

    Today, I have stayed back home, locked myself up in my room and I have for company 5 books, 10 research articles, and one computer – all 17 of us next to a sunlit window.Despite my mother banging at my door, I’ve made this time my own.

    Happy Hunting!

  2. I’ve often wished for an optional 24 hours that could be called upon once a week, to give you time to do stuff like sleep, fold laundry, organize closets, and other stuff that I used to do when I was bored, but which I can’t do now that I’ve been bored for a total of about 3 hours over the last 10 years. It’s great not to know what boredom is (there’s always my blog if I have a spare 10 minutes), but still… my wife likes watching movies to relax… during a movie, your hands are free to do stuff like fold laundry. I can’t do anything but blog when I blog. Grr! I suppose it says something sad about me if it is much easier to imagine a way to disrupt the inexorable flow of time than to imagine myself blogging less… sigh. Well, good luck during your busy weekend.

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