WRITING: The Big Push

I’ve been nagging and nagging students to write, start a weblog, offer comments, exchange ideas via blogging. But it’s not just students that need a push. Sometimes teachers do as well. Busy, busy, yes. Love teaching, yes. But sometimes you have to place a certain priority on your own literary efforts. I never did get to see that story you were going to send last year. And, I’m sure if you look hard enough, you can find that unpolished gem you wrote fifteen years ago.
Don’t worry about us so much—we’re still learning a wealth of knowledge from your efforts.

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4 Responses to WRITING: The Big Push

  1. neha says:

    On the flip side,is writing supposed to be a priority for everyone?What is a passion to some is nothing more than a burden to others.Good work with spreading the word.However,why impose beyond a reasonable limit?

  2. ersinghaus says:

    Spinning and I know lots of students who want to write. Yes, they need the push. Those who don’t want to don’t have to, of course: that would be too much like Utopia.

  3. Spinning says:

    Spinning: Yes, writing should be a priority—for those who love it, or are required (ugh!) to do it, i.e., students for course papers, journalists for deadlines, those lucky enough to earn their living at it, etc. Writing is a burden, I’m sure for some. However, I am very much a wimp— maybe a bit overly exuberant on certain issues, I agree—and would that I could, have but a snowball’s chance in hell of imposing anything on anybody.

    Unfortunately, for those who do it simply for the pleasure of it, the necessary element of “required” is missing. Wondrous creatures that we are, we are likely to put the needs of family, friends and job before our own. Often, no time at all is allowed our little pleasures such as writing, putting it off for “someday.” Here’s where I can pull rank and use my age and experience to reiterate that “someday” put off too long brings you smack dab into middle age much, much more quickly than youth can possibly imagine. Or worse, you could die young and never write that poem.

  4. neha says:

    I agree. I never said that the ones who want to should never receive a push.All I said was that the ones who dont want cant be made to.
    Saying more would only be repeating myself. Either that,or I could go blue in my face saying that I agree,because that is what I said.

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