REALITY?: Handling Overload Situations

You have to be so damned careful these days about what you write on your weblog, particularly when folks you know may read it or prospective employers.

Just to provide my solution to overload problems as outlined in the prior post, and to offset the chance of looking like a single-minded jerk, I do have my ways of ensuring that all obligations are fulfilled during my times of intense focus. I use both hands.

Some rare few are ambidextrous, but I’m about the furthest from that skill as one can get and still manage to hit my mouth with my fork.  However, over the years, I’ve trained my useless left hand to do many things it never thought it could do (well really, it did act as though it were not wired into my brain).  So while once it’s sole purpose in life was to hold things, with its most shining achievement being the ability and knowledge of the keyboard half that the right hand never bothered learning, it is now capable of opening a drawer, a jar, taking things out and putting them on the counter while the right is busy brushing my teeth.

All hail adaptability of the human body and spirit.

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One Response to REALITY?: Handling Overload Situations

  1. Creechman says:

    Sad story.

    Want to know what I say every time my dream blog girl wanders away?

    Basic cursing, then start over.

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