004/2012 I’m Fast

Word count:  118

I’m fast. Can catch hummingbirds zipping by in my hands. Snap their necks in under three seconds. Watch the ruby-throat feathers catch the light of the sun.

I can outrun the cats who howl in the night in our alley behind the back yard. They’re wild and they’re mean and I grab them by only their tail. Swing them around till I’m dizzy. Let go and watch as they fly.

I once caught a wasp in my fist. Squished it before it could sting me. Straightened its legs and spread out its wings, then blew it into the sky.

But I can’t run faster than Daddy. Someday I will when I’m big and I’ll run and I’ll run far far away and I’ll hide in a place where I know he’ll never find me.


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