085/2012 Best Friends and Bears

Word Count:  318

Gavin told his best friend Eddie  that he’d share half his last gummy worm, lie to cover to his mother, jump in and save him from a bear. Eddie said yeah, he would too.

It happened that soon after, on a camping trip out in the woods, their words were tested. Not a bear, but a coyote. And they never actually saw it but they both heard its howl sing through the dark night.

As the song whirled in closer, close to the campfire that was supposed to keep all teeth and fangs out, the boys huddled together, eyes flashing at the teasing of leaves by the wind. Eddie’s arm around Gavin. Gavin, shivering so hard he was tough to hold onto but Eddie held on.

Gavin was one month ahead in getting his driver’s license. Eleven months ahead in getting a car. And Gavin was years ahead in who crashed a car first and Gavin got out of the hospital three months sooner than Eddie. Eddie confirmed to the police that Gavin had swerved to avoid a deer. Gavin said he thought it had been a bear.

They went to college, married lovely girls, started work at the same skyscraper in the City, different floors. Gavin was a step ahead in management. A floor above. Eddie barely saw him anymore. Then Eddie got a chance for a promotion, in times where if you had a job at all you felt blessed. Even as the buzz went around about more layoffs, Eddie came to Gavin for a good word.

Gavin told his best friend Eddie that he’d share half his last gummy worm, lie to cover to his boss, jump in and save him from a bear. Eddie said yeah, he would too if it was in his power. And I always thought he would have too, even though his best friend Gavin gave him a bad review.

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