001/100 aka 141/365

Word Count: 315

I sit here not knowing whether I will rise along with the holy folk or stay here doomed for another five months to pick my way amid the debris that is life. Today is the great day of The Rapture and I’m all cleaned up and ready to go.

Except for this.

I’ve backed up my hard drives on all the PCs and I’ve decided I may as well use the new MacBook Pro I got back in December when I thought my old MacBook was off to a Rapture of its own. It hinted in little prayers of sluggish behavior, sometimes grinding to a total refusal to budge. So I ordered the new one, clever me wouldn’t get caught with a dead drive and no backup to boot. Then I got lazy–who doesn’t? This certainly shouldn’t be a factor in my own rapturing qualifications–and now I’m trying to catch up, moving data between the old and the new, just to make sure I’m ready.

Ready for what?

Ready, I suppose, to either leave all the cares of this world (and my files) or move forward to make up for the spaces the Rapturees leave behind them. I’m hoping, either way, to be better prepared.

And of course, now this.

A glitch, a gloop, a missing file, maybe a dll (you know how they wander), but something I need that without it my favorite program won’t work. So I try and go through each and every file folder, every application and every library and everything that looks suspiciously like it’s an important piece of the puzzle. And I’m hoping that I go up with the rest of the faithful in the Rapture so this becomes moot.

And six o’clock comes and goes and I was so involved in finding the damn file and still haven’t but I have, I realize, missed the Rapture.


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