027/100 aka 167/365

Word Count: 253

She said, “This morning I watched a single raindrop suddenly lit up by the rising sun. It flickered like a firefly, clinging to the tippity-tip of a new grown spurt of branch. An old tall fir tree dressed in its spring baby-green coat. The raindrop quivered in a soft east breeze, clinging to its host, flashing green and yellow, red and blue as a prism in the light. It hung there like a diamond earring–likely hangs there now–but as the sun toiled its way into the sky, lost the perfect angle of the light, and with only less than a minute’s sparkling life, went out. I’m sure I couldn’t find it now.”

He said, “Oh really?” and went back to concentrating on the laptop on the kitchen table.

She said, “Do you have to go to work today? Why don’t we take a walk, go for a swim, drive into the city for chocolate ice cream?”

He said, “Oh. . . no, I can’t. I have a lot of work to do today.”

She thought, I saw a raindrop gleaming in the morning sun. Against the dark old fir tree it shone for that instant. I wonder what it’s like to shine, even for a moment.

He thought, It’s only because you’re so young that you don’t understand.

She said, “I know. I just thought it would have been nice.”

He said, “Maybe some day next week we will.”

She brightened, her smile lighting up her face for just a moment.

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4 Responses to 027/100 aka 167/365

  1. beautiful writing, susan.

  2. susan says:

    Thank you, Billlie, I appreciate it!

  3. Marcus Speh says:

    really enjoyed this…esp the cascading down from the initial observation into the lap of their relationship. well observed…

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