Word Count: 200
Some people build a house in your heart and some people pass through your mind, maybe knocking on doors, sitting in for a long conversation, or streaking naked through the outer edges, leaving starbursts like synapses going off while they’re there.
There are those who huddle on comfortable couches and those who take a piss somewhere in a corner where they don’t think you’ll find it. Others browse the shrubbery you’ve planted and trimmed, leaving dropping to fertilize the ideas.
Then there are lovers, entombed in glass caskets formed from your crystalized tears. Look at the strong sturdy arms that once held you, the curl of hair at the brow, the eyes hidden as they always hid feelings. Each man unchanging through decades of time. Pull one out, look him over. Does he bring a smile to your face? Then it was worth all you put into it, the little or much he gave back.
Life is short and there is no promise made for forever. Fill up your basket with what you can find and nibble each offering, sink your teeth into flavors that please.
And look back on all you’ve experienced; take them with you wherever you go.