Flash Fiction Fridays
- A Death in The Family
- At Swim Two Birds
- Barthes
- Black Swan Green
- Blindness
- Borges
- Calvino
- Clockwork Orange
- Confrontation
- Consolation of Philosophy
- Cormac McCarthy
- DeLillo
- Faulkner
- Flatland
- Geronimo Sandoval
- Glimmer Train
- Henderson The Rain King
- if on a winter's night a traveler
- Ishiguro
- Jamestown
- Kundera
- Life of Pi
- Margaret Atwood
- Marquez
- Master and Margarita
- Munro
- Murakami
- Peter Taylor
- Plato
- Ploughshares
- provinces of night
- St. Augustine
- Steinbeck
- Suttree
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being
- Tropic of Cancer
- Updike
- William Gay
"I will breakfast from the cupboard where uneaten dreams are kept"
"I foresee the successful future of a very mediocre society."
Category Archives: BLOGGING
This is too funny; still unused to the format here at WordPress posting I tend to forget to select a category and that’s why if you’re following via feed you may see a lot of updated posts. But this: Not … Continue reading
Well that was a messy upgrade to WordPress 2.7.1 and it almost had me give up not only WordPress, but blogging altogether. After three weeks of intense work on migrating Spinning and Hypercompendia from Typepad to WordPress, redesigning the stylesheets, … Continue reading
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BLOGGING: Update on Redirect
Well that didn’t exactly work out as planned; even though I officially deleted the original Spinning, the files and permalinks remained because I had a new weblog named spinning, or maybe because the permalinks still linked to the spinning files … Continue reading
BLOGGING: A Possible Redirect
Couldn’t redirect traffic from Typepad to WordPress for the weblogs so while I deleted the old Hypercompendia blog, I’ve been reluctant to delete the old Spinning. Without an easy method (one I can do myself) of fiddling with the Typepad … Continue reading
BLOGGING: And Communicating
Learning a lot about the various methods of internet communication; learning a lot about the people who use them. “Georgia” is a warmer, more welcoming font than “Lucida Grande” so I’ve made that change at both weblogs. I find that … Continue reading
BLOGGING: Update on the move
Was easily able to fix the missing logo (not visible in Windows) by sending the image to a PC and then uploading it into the header from there. Of course I rushed back to the Mac half-expecting to see it … Continue reading
BLOGGING: Antisocial Networking
While it seems a conflicting term, it is the result of technology banging heads with individual need; perhaps the fact that while innovation may serve the whole in purpose, it does not necessarily need to be limited to that purpose. … Continue reading
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BLOGGING: As a journal of technical technique
I’ve pretty much been told to twut-up on twitter as I was loading someone’s twit-roll with my constant tweets. I completely understand; the more folks you’re following the more likely it is that you won’t see all the latest from … Continue reading
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It appears that my nifty new logo disappears on the site if using IE as a browser. I wouldn’t have known except that I luckily have other pcs in the house and was using one of them. I’ll try to … Continue reading
BLOGGING: Some Notes
While I like WordPress, it seems a whole lot slower than Typepad to get to the posting page and even to load the sites. Maybe it’s just a temporary quirk. One thing from the move that’s helped already is the … Continue reading
BLOGGING: A Neat WordPress Thing
Typepad recently upgraded and changed their post entry form and between that, merging a writing class weblog into Spinning, and my own dopeyness, a few of the posts here are listed as uncategorized. Real easy to make the change with … Continue reading
Just a note because I’m sure I’ll need this information long after I’ve forgotten how to do it. When uploading a large file, i.e., media, and WordPress uploads gives a 2M limit, upload directly via Lunar’s cPanel into wp-content/uploads/2009/12 (or … Continue reading
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BLOGGING: Technorati
There really should be an easy way for a weblog or any site to get into Technorati or Google or Yahoo or whoever and be able to make the redirect of a moved site right there. Anyway, I have to … Continue reading
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BLOGGING: Software for downloading Images
Wow, this program, Hyperimage, might do it in one fell swoop; grab all the images from a website and download them onto your hard drive. However, the one bad thing is that it still would not be easy to pick … Continue reading
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BLOGGING: Redirect
I think I have the redirect thing figured out, though I’m not going to touch it again until I have all the image files and their new permalinks moved here which should take another day or two. Remember, there are … Continue reading