Flash Fiction Fridays
- A Death in The Family
- At Swim Two Birds
- Barthes
- Black Swan Green
- Blindness
- Borges
- Calvino
- Clockwork Orange
- Confrontation
- Consolation of Philosophy
- Cormac McCarthy
- DeLillo
- Faulkner
- Flatland
- Geronimo Sandoval
- Glimmer Train
- Henderson The Rain King
- if on a winter's night a traveler
- Ishiguro
- Jamestown
- Kundera
- Life of Pi
- Margaret Atwood
- Marquez
- Master and Margarita
- Munro
- Murakami
- Peter Taylor
- Plato
- Ploughshares
- provinces of night
- St. Augustine
- Steinbeck
- Suttree
- The Unbearable Lightness of Being
- Tropic of Cancer
- Updike
- William Gay
"I will breakfast from the cupboard where uneaten dreams are kept"
"I foresee the successful future of a very mediocre society."
Tag Archives: WRITING
Very disappointed to see that not only is hypertext or any other form of new media not represented at the Tunxis Writers Festival this year, but that the public is not being offered the ability to attend this community college … Continue reading
WRITING: Writers Conference
Got the flyer in the mail the other day on the Wesleyan Writers Conference which is scheduled for June 14th-19th this summer. It appears that there are a couple of new speakers and instructors and I’m sure it will be … Continue reading
WRITING: And such
Found a copyright marking system for images that I’ve been playing with so that an artist friend of mine may feel a bit more secure about placing her images on the web. With Google Image, I myself have wondered about … Continue reading
WRITING: A new trail
God knows, just when I reach a stage of my life where I’m feeling free enough to draw upon my hidden past to get a bit more risque with my writing, I’m planning on developing a children’s reading site. See … Continue reading
LITERATURE: A Sign of The Times
This article in the The Chronicle Review on Poets’ Puffery is just too funny and maybe too sadly true. Worse however, it seems to extend beyond poetry and literature to all areas of man’s life and accomplishments. I particularly liked … Continue reading
WRITING: Publishing
Of all I’ve written, of anything I’ve had published, nothing has meant as much as seeing a poem written for a friend appreciated by his family and printed up on memory cards at his service.
POETRY: Mating of Matter
Bad relationships are made of opposites of nature The way the sun smiles shining on an ice crystal Who sparkles with reflected love but soon weeps And lost in Sun’s embrace, disappears.
WRITING: And it’s Fulfillment
So proud of Josh and Kas over at Grail Quest who have made an announcement that shows all their hard work and talent is paying off.
POETRY: Wherefrom comes love?
Wherefrom comes love? On ballerina satin toes or earthy lumberjack boots dazzling as the snowflake on a sunny day or heated up to blaze the forest black; However is an answer but the question still: Wherefrom comes love?
WRITING: New Directions
Finally forced a friend to read one of my latest stories and judging by the response, I think it can just go in the file. Been scan-reading some of the 5000-plus posts as I’ve been putting in the images and … Continue reading
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WRITING: Commitment
From Loretta’s post this morning on Pomegranates and Paper: “I think that meeting other artists is the most wonderful aspect of taking classes.” She’s talking about a jewelry making class here, but Loretta’s one of the best naturally talented writers … Continue reading
WRITING: Perception
Perception alone dramatically diverts the path of understanding, both in writing and in life. A simple well-intended gesture, him allowing me to sleep a few hours longer out of concern because he felt I needed the rest. I was awoken … Continue reading