January 9th, 2008 by Susan

There’s been a slow flow of creative force pulsing through my mind, but there have been a few dabblings of fodder for the more down and dirty necessary background bits.

Prescription drugs that promise the possibility of cancer in order to contain the pain of arthritis. Sounds like a good deal, no?  There’s more than butter and cheese at work here.

The twenty and thirty year-olds already bitching about having ‘their’ money pay for an excessive, self-centered generation of the elderly in the next decade to come.  How about the huge sum these bumbling old fools put into the system all the years they’ve worked?

The elderly being told they need to support illegal immigration because they didn’t have enough kids to take care of them and nobody but the unskilled immigrants will be willing to do so for the low wages the positions offer.  What’s wrong with that picture?

And yes, the realization that living longer means a huge burden on society in the amount of old people who, God knows, are slow and rather useless anyway.

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