Ah, the bennies of bein’ female. I’m changing my mind.
Even as I strive for improvement in the use of language and try to adhere to some tradition, I need still to go beyond the known and comfortable into new territory.
I’m throwing a monkeywrench into my simple little non-apocalyptic tiff between generations. There’s an idea I’ve had for a while–actually my husband’s idea–about saving portions of time in the present for use in the future. It’s sort of a neat idea, especially when you think about the concept of time as a mere man-made measure. It’s particularly a neat idea when you may need that saved up time to use in a world that seems a little bit off.
Let’s see if I can blend the old with the new into an exciting and fulfilling story. Of course this is going to wreak havoc with my Map View. Unless I put it into some sort of organized, row or gridlike structure. That’s okay; life can still get wild within structured space.