HYPERTEXT; A Bottle of Beer – Final Stages

March 4th, 2008 by susan

Well, semi-final anyway.  I finally wrote the ending.  I’ve seen where this was heading–unusual for me, though with this story, there’s only about an hour of time passed in the narrative–but didn’t want to throw it out there until it kind of happened as I brought Yolanda back to her chair on the porch.  I love how it did come about, and though it may be a bit sparse, I think it should be fairly evident to a reader as to what has happened.  Then again, I’m the one who had a protagonist live through a split, bled-out head wound in my interpretation of a story I recently read.

There is much to be done in rewriting and editing; for one thing, there’s some south of the border weather and architecture and terms to research and confirm or come up with a viable alternate.  There are names in Spanish, as well as terms and and the tilde for n’s and other symbols that I’ve not been able to figure out yet in Mac’s iPage program. 

As the story winds up to its close, I’ve much fewer ‘shards’ (Hypertextopia’s dangling enhancements of story) and while the map looks like I ran out of ’em, I think that if the story has been told fully to this point, that the pace would be slowed by their inclusion in these last few ‘fragments’ of narrative.  Though I might bring back the proud little scorpion just as a sign of some sort to close out the blue threads.

Totally, totally enjoyed this project and am embarrassed to say that I dropped everything else to work on it.  Deadlines meant nothing, promises will still be met; when the muse in my head speaks I must listen.  Though frankly, my language use in this story is not as lyrical as normal; yet more importantly, the story, for once, has been told.

3 Responses to “HYPERTEXT; A Bottle of Beer – Final Stages”

  1. Chris Says:

    Thanks for documenting your work with Hypertextopia — it’s really fascinating reading for a fellow writer.

  2. susan Says:

    Thanks, that’s pretty much what this site is about–I’ve done tons of posts on Storyspace and a bit on Storytron & Alice.

    You’ve got something neat going on at your site too and I’m going to spend more time this week checking into it further.

    Have you tried Hypertextopia yet?

  3. Chris Says:

    No, not yet — though it’s definitely something I’m hoping to give a spin soon.