May 14th, 2008 by Susan

I’ve been working on a presentation for a workshop at Hypertext 08 (that is, if they let me in with my credentials and lack thereof) and have decided on Keynote for a visual portion that can probably implement the Storyspace and Hypertextopia pieces as well as the old .doc formatting that I’ve exported into .pdf.

Need to focus on a small portion of the ideas that have come up since I started writing into hypertext and that’s been the hardest part: to lose a lot of the Ahah! and Omigod! excitement that is not directly relevant to the point of how a writer changes style and thinking by working into the hypertext environment.

Of course, it’s all a matter of editing, editing and more editing to cut out the sidetracks.  Oh…that’s in direct contrast to the hypertext way, no?  LOL, a linear presentation to describe hypertext!  But then an interesting thought intervenes: by allowing a Q&A portion of time, the questions that one would answer spontaneously in hypertext format, can produce a more interesting mapping of the presentation at its end.

2 Responses to “HYPERTEXT: A Writer’s POV”

  1. Mark Bernstein Says:

    Why is the Ahah! and Omigod! excitement NOT directly relevant to the point of how a writer changes style and thinking by working into the hypertext environment.

    It seems to me they could well be related.

  2. susan Says:

    Mark, the whole experience was a non-stop trip of Ahahs! and some of the Omigods! went one way or the other as I alternately raced ahead or into a wall I’d just built! You know how much I loved it and I wish I could just print out the posts on Storyspace to capture the moments as I ran!