HYPERTEXT: Speech editing

May 16th, 2008 by Susan

So here I am, right? I’m going through the Hypercompendia postings to grab some of the magic experienced in writing my first story into Storyspace, started back in November of ’07.  So I’m going along, filtering through scanning-type reading and copying & pasting those passages that seem vital to the feeling and the writing process as it changes.

I’ve got 20 pages so far of single-spaced entries.  I’m halfway through November.

Now I know that the purpose of this is just to jog my memory of the enjoyment of it all, but some of these postings are just so great because in sequence, they show the jubilation as clearly as the frustration of the writer. Then you throw in the change she is undergoing with the learning process of the hypertext environment, and well, you’ve got yourself a nice fat book here.

Good Grief!  Did I say book?

Thing is, either I get busy and brutal with the blade and leave the key points of the issue, or someone’s going to have to bring a hook with him to get me off the podium.   

Maybe I just won’t leave time for questions. Besides, all the audience will really want to know is why I hate small children…

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