HYPERTEXT: Transitions on Transitioning

May 27th, 2008 by Susan

I forgot all about transitions! Here I am, putting together a slideshow on transitions of writing and writers and hypertext story and all that good stuff, and I forgot to even think about transitions between slides!  And Keynote has a load of good ‘uns.

This won’t be a timed slideshow–though an audience might prefer it that way and I will check out that possibility–but even in manual progression you can transition via some neat effects.

Needless to say, between 50 slides I have just about every transition available used but it’s just the awe syndrome at work here.  I’ll get down to a reasonable three or four effects at most, likely following the same systematic approach I’m trying to use for organization. 

But for now, it’s enough to blow your mind!  (and eyes!)

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