HYPERTEXT: What is Hypertext?
Google search, clear and plaintive: what is hypertext. It lands them here, where if they spend some time and look through the posts and links, they can find some sort of answer. And yet, there is an obvious need for a center of operations, much as we have started to establish in a wiki form recently and a place that leads to all the resources available so that the information is disseminated in all its aspects.
This post then is an attempt to lead those who are plopped down by the Great Goggle God into my world and need to settle into it deeper. For starters:
I’ll amend and add to this post if there are more that should be
here–and there are–as even though the sidebar holds the links, Google
Ploppers need to be directed to this post in particular I think, thus,
the title. I know that when I land on a weblog in a search and the
first few posts are not directly relevant to my query, I leave
May 15th, 2008 at 11:44 am
The Eastgate link is broken (Hypertext.html needs a capital H). It might be useful to give separate links for Storyspace, Tinderbox, and maybe the fiction catalog (http://www.eastgate.com/catalog/Fiction.html)
May 15th, 2008 at 12:24 pm
Thanks, Mark! I added some and also fixed–don’t know why my Storyspace link didn’t work either and hope I do not have to go back over the last couple hundred posts to make sure they’re working properly. I do usually check immediately but got lazy this time.