HYPERTEXT: Better Days

June 4th, 2008 by Susan

Still haven’t gotten down from 30 slides, but have rearranged and cut out a lot of the text–particularly the writing spaces from the programs. While I didn’t expect anyone to read them completely, someone suggested that if they want to and I just flip past it before they have, that’s not exactly an endearing trait in a presenter.  So, replaced most of them with boxes of less substance. 

Ten out of the 33 slides are either just title or credits, or a short paragraph that I will read aloud and pass onto the next slide. 

I will do a more formal reading/run-through and see how it goes.  I’ve left enough in there that I would love to include, but am willing to drop if I absolutely have to do so. Timing will tell. At least I’ve gotten it more organized.

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